The Parting Glass – Ed Sheeran – Hợp âm F#m – Ed Sheeran,

b (Giáng) # (Thăng)

[F#m] [D] [A] [E]

Verse 1
Of[F#m] all the [D] money that [A] e'er I [E] had
I've [F#m] spent it [D] in good [A] compan[E] y
And [F#m] all the h[D] arm that [A] e'er I've [E] done
A[F#m] las it [D] was to [Bm] none but [F#m] me
And [A] all I've [D] done for [A] want of [E] wit
To [Bm] memo[A] ry [E] now I [F#m] can't re[E] call
So [F#m] fill to [D] me the [A] parting [E] glass
Good [F#m] night and [D] joy be [Bm] with you [F#m] all
Verse 2
Of[F#m] all the [D] comrades that e[A] 'er I h[E] ad
They ar[F#m] e sorry f[D] or my go[A] ing aw[E] ay
And [F#m] all the swe[D] ethearts that e[A] 'er I had [E]
They would wi[F#m] sh me o[D] ne more[Bm] day to s[F#m] tay
But [A] since it [D] falls unt[A] o my lot[E]
That [Bm] I shou[A] ld [E] rise and[F#m] you sho[E] uld not
I'll [F#m] gently ris[D] e and I'll s[A] oftly call[E]
Good [F#m] night and [D] joy be [Bm] with you [F#m] all
Verse 3
A [F#m] man may d[D] rink and [A] not be [E] drunk
A [F#m] man may f[D] ight and n[A] ot be s[E] lain
A [F#m] man may c[D] ourt a pr[A] etty gi[E] rl
And pe[F#m] rhaps be[D] welcomed [Bm] back ag[F#m] ain
But [A] since it [D] has so o[A] ught to b[E] e
By a [Bm] time to[A] ri[E] se and a [F#m] time to [E] fall
Come [F#m] fill to [D] me the pa[A] rting glass[E]
Goodn[F#m] ight and j[D] oy be with y[A] ou all [E]
Goodn[F#m] ight and j[D] oy be w[Bm] ith you a[F#m] ll

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