Moment Of Truth – FM Static

b (Giáng) # (Thăng)

FM Static Sitting on the Bench Info:

“Moment Of Truth” is a song FM Static and appears on the album Critically Ashamed (2006). FM Static is a Canadian Christian pop punk duo based in Toronto, Ontario. The band was formed in 2003 as a side project for Thousand Foot Krutch. The band consists of Trevor McNevan and Steve Augustine. The original lineup included John Bunner on guitar and Justin Smith on bass.

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♫ Moment Of Truth   (*Converted for key of C instrument) ♫

♫ Moment Of Truth  (*Converted for key of Bb instrument) ♫

Moment Of Truth
*Converted (Easy Version)
FM Static

F  G  G
F  E  C

Verse 1: @0:14
C2     C2  A
Here we are
A    A     A       G    F   G     G
In the best years of our lives
F         F    F     G    A   F
With no way of knowing
A           G        A         A       A    G
When the wheel’ll stop spinning
A            G     A        A          A       A#   A  G
‘Cause we don’t know where we’re going
F        F2   F2  E2  
And here we are
E2   E2  F2    C2 A# C2  A
On the best day of our lives
A     C2 C2 A    G       A    G   A
And it’s a go, let’s make it last
F        F        F    F G    A
So cheers you all to that
F             F       F      F      F   F    F C2      A~G
‘Cause this moment’s never coming back

Pre-chorus: @0:39
E     F   E       F     E     F    E     F E   F  E      F    E    F      E
I used to know her brother but I never knew I loved her
F       E     F    E     F    E       F   G    F~E
‘Til the day she laid her eyes on me
D         F     C2   F     F    F       F      
Now I’m jumping up and down
F          F    DD   D    D    C
She’s the only one around
F         F       F       F  F   F  F     C2   F   G
And she means every little thing to me

Chorus 1: @0:52
F        F    G       A    F  F    G    A F
I’ve got your picture in my wallet
F         G         A      A#  A   A#  A  G
And your phone number to call it
F      G   A      F       F        A A G   A     A    A# A    G..~FE
And I miss you more whenever I think about you
F        F     G        A        F    F   G      A     F
I’ve got your mixed tape in my Walkman
F        G     A      A#      A       A#    A  G
Been so long since we’ve been talking
F      G  F   A     C2     F
And in a few more days
A           A       A    A    A A G    F    F E
We’ll both hook up forever and ever

Verse 2: @1:20
F         F   G  A  C2 D2   C2      A#  A  G G AA
And here I am on the west coast of America
G       A       F         F     F     F 
And I’ve been trying to think
D2    C2    A# A D2   C2  A#   A   A#
for weeks of all the ways to ask you
F          F     G         A        F   F   D2   C2
And now I’ve brought you to the place
F             F        C2    A#     A     G
Where I’ve poured my heart out
F    G  A       A       G  F   G   A      A    F  
A million times, for a million reasons
F     FD2 C2 A# A   
To offer    it to you

(Repeat Pre-chorus) @1:46

(Repeat Chorus) @1:59

Interlude: @2:27 Play two times
FF  GD  EE (D)

(Repeat Pre-chorus) @2:53

(Repeat Chorus) @3:05 Music Original Version

♫ Moment Of Truth – FM Static ♫

Reminder: “(low)” symbol after a certain note is just an indication that bamboo flutes or recorders can’t reach that low note. Only violin, piano and other stringed instruments can reach that note.

Moment Of Truth

FM Static
For key of C instrument

FD#C#  C  C#
C#  D#  D#
FD#C#  C  C#G#(low)
C#  C  G#(low)

Verse 1: @0:14
G#     G#  F  

Here we are
F    F     F       D#  C#D#  D#
In the best years of our lives
C#     C# C#  D#  F   C#
With no way of knowing
F          D#       F         F       F  D#
When the wheel’ll stop spinning
F          D#     F        F        F         F#   FD#
‘Cause we don’t know where we’re going
C#      C2# C2# C2  
And  here   we  are
C2  C2  C2# G# F# G#   F
On the best day of our lives
F     G# G#F   D#      F   D# F
And it’s a go, let’s make it last
C#     C#   C# C# D# F
So cheers you all to that
C#         C#    C#  C#  C#C#   C# G#     F~D#
‘Cause this moment’s never coming back

Pre-chorus: @0:39
C  C#  C     C#    C     C# C     C# C C#C     C#  C   C#    C
I used to know her brother but I never knew I loved her
C#    C   C#    C   C#    C    C# D# C#~C
‘Til the day she laid her eyes on me
A#(low) C#   G# C# C#   C#    C#    
Now      I’m jumping up and down
C#      C# A#(low)A#(low) A#(low)  A#(low)G#(low)
She’s the        only                   one                 around
C#     C#    C#    C#C# C#C#   G# C#D#
And she means every   little thing to me

Chorus 1:

C#   C#   D#    F  C# C# D# F C#
I’ve got your picture in my wallet
C#     D#       F        F#  F   F# F  D#
And your phone number to call it
C# D#   F    C#     C#    F  F D#  F     F    F# F   D#..~C#C
And I miss you more whenever I think about you
C#   C#   D#      F       C# C# D#    F    C#
I’ve got your mixed tape in my Walkman
C#    D#   F       F#      F       F#    F  D#
Been so long since we’ve been talking
C#   D# C#  F     G#     C#
And in     a few more days
F           F        F    F   F F D#  C# C#C
We’ll both hook up forever and ever

Verse 2: @1:20
C#     C#D# F   G# A#  G#    F#   F  D#D#FF
And here I am on the west coast of  America
D#     F      C#     C#  C#   C#   
And I’ve been trying to think
A#    G#  F# F    A# G#  F#  F    F#
for weeks of all the ways to ask you
C#     C#   D#       F        C#  C# A#   G#
And now I’ve brought you   to the place
C#         C#     G#     F#    F      D#
Where I’ve poured my heart out
C#D# F       F      D# C# D# F    F   C#  
A million times, for a million reasons
C# C#B G#F# F   
To offer   it to you

(Repeat Pre-chorus) @1:46
(Repeat Chorus) @1:59

Interlude: @2:27 Play two times
C#C#  D#D#  FF
C#C#  D#D#  C#G#(low)
C#C#  D#D#  FF  D#C#
C#C#  D#A#(low)  CC (A#(low))

(Repeat Pre-chorus) @2:53

(Repeat Chorus) @3:05

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